Yeshiva Ketana Lubavitch

About the Mechina

The Mechina is a warm Yeshiva for bochurim ages 13-16 in North West London. We aspire to cater to every bochur’s needs, both in Ruchnius and in Gashmius, in a Chassidishe, enjoyable and happy environment. We were founded in honour of the Rebbe's 70th birthday ( תשל”ב/1972) over 40 years ago as one of the ע”א mosdos.

What we do


We are proud of the first class education in Gemara, Halacha, Chassidus, and the Rebbe’s Sichos that bochurim receive, both in Shiurim and through guided self-learning. Recently, we have hired several new staff members, including Rabbi Yosef Wineberg Shlita, a highly respected local Rov, to give a daily Shiur in Gemara. Rabbi Wineberg is a tremendous asset to the yeshiva in terms of guiding the bochurim in their learning development. Together with the other staff members, our ability to ensure that each student is in the right setting and getting the support he needs has been greatly strengthened. In fact, many lessons in the Mechina are now divided by level, ensuring that every bochur can grow and develop according to their personal needs.


Hiskashrus to the Rebbe and Avodas Hachassidus play an important role in the day of a bochur. Boruch Hashem, the Mechina places a strong emphasis on learning the Rebbe’s Sichos and Ma’amarim, Avodas HaTefilla, videos of the Rebbe’s Farbrengens, Limud Inyanei Geula uMoshiach, and Mivtzoyim. We aim to instill a dynamic connection to the Rebbe within every bochur.

Emotional and Physical Development

We recognize the importance of healthy emotional and physical development to a bochur. Hence, we incorporate a range of activities designed to empower the bochurim and bolster their overall wellbeing. Activities include sports, swimming, opportunities to take initiative and responsibility, Mivtzoyim, Farbrengens, musical development through Niggunim, and a bi-annual trip to the scenic ambiance of the English countryside. We can confidently say that the environment in Mechina is stimulating, productive, and empowering.

A broader look

Students in Mechina grow into proud members of their respective communities and of society at large. They retain the skills to become influential forces for good wherever they find themselves.

They are future leaders.

Mechina in Numbers

Hours learnt Annually
Number of Alumni
Masechtos finished last year
People reached on mivtziom

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